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Modern mirrored nightstands offer far greater design choice than older mirrored nightstands. They are available in a wider range of materials too, with different types of engineered wood frames accounting for a large percentage of the mirrored nightstands on sale today. This is in addition to favorites like metal and wood, which are also readily available in the market. Greater material variety means you get to enjoy greater price variation. While in the past you were limited to one of two price extremes, modern mirrored nightstand designs come with a lot of flexibility in price; which can only mean you ending up with a high quality piece of furniture for less.

The modern mirrored nightstand has all the glamour you expect to see in mirrored furniture. But it also has the trademark contemporary finishing and detailing of latter day furniture making. Instead of large knobs and drawer handles, you get models that are handle-free. To open, the drawers simply glide on a metal support base. Go for this design if you’re keen on creating a minimalist bedroom. Gloss and smooth polish are common finish options for modern mirrored nightstands. Each manufacturer has their preferred choice of finish which, in most cases, gives up to four or five options. There is also plenty of variety in size and color, and you’ll get a modern mirrored nightstand that is as big or small as your needs dictate. Best of all, these modern nightstands complement many décor styles and will be a perfect addition whatever your design theme. 


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